Information & Services
The Community Centre provides free, up-to-date information and resources on health and well being, a photocopy service, document scanning and much more. Many health providers and government agencies visit Katikati Community Centre on a regular basis. The following services are available to the public without referral:
Regular Services
New Zealand Automobile Association
2025 Dates
8 Jan, 12 Feb, 12 Mar, 9 Apr, 14 May, 11 Jun, 9 Jul, 13 Aug, 10 Sep, 8 Oct, 12 Nov, 10 Dec
8.30am - 4.00pm
For ALL Driver License enquiries phone: 0800 822 422
For bookings: These are ONLY taken on the day and in person. Please come into the Community Centre early to secure a time.
The AA Driver and Licensing mobile unit can handle all your Driver Licensing requirements. To renew your license you'll need to bring evidence of your identity, and pass an eyesight screening check. Older drivers - age 75+ When you turn 75, you'll need to renew your licence. This licence will be valid for five years and you’ll need a medical certificate each time you renew your licence. When you turn 80 your licence will be valid for two years.
Information: 0800 276 267
This clinic provides friendly, specialised support, information and resources to assist people with respiratory disease manage their health. Services are either free. Services include one-on-one advice about asthma and respiratory health, Asthma and COPD support & activity group, and Spirometry testing (lung function testing)
Alzheimers Support & Activity Group
Monthly meetings held for registered clients only.
Further Information: 07 577 6344 Website:
Social Group: For people with dementia to participate and socialise. A team of highly trained volunteers coordinate the groups.
Carer Support: This group provides an opportunity to access information and education, receive information relevant to your present situation, share ideas with other carers and meet others in a similar situation.

Appointments: 07 557 5522
The B4 School Check is a free health and development check for 4-year-olds as part of the Well Child Tamariki Ora schedule of services.

When: Tuesdays fortnightly, 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Katikati Appointments: ph. 0800 905 916 or email:
Baywide Community Law Service offers free legal advice to people who are on low incomes. They assist clients facing exceptional, life-changing situations like loss of income, loss of housing, harm in the home or community, or a serious social justice issue.
Appointments: 07 578 0969
We offer FREE, confidential and non-judgmental budget advice by trained financial mentors. Make an appointment to come and discuss your situation with one of our financial mentors.Our financial mentors can guide and support you through tough financial circumstances, liaise with creditors on your behalf, and connect you with other organisations that can help.

Device Advice
When: Monday mornings
Appointments: 07 549 0399
For help with navigating your mobile phone or tablet
First 2 sessions free then $10 per session

Ear Health Coromandel East
When: Tuesdays fortnightly
Time: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Dates: 16 & 30 Jan, 13 & 27 Feb
Information and appointments: 07 868 9225

When: First Thursday of the month, 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Information and appointments: 0800 268 787 or email Kaiā
We offer FREE and confidential Family Court information, guidance and support. We can help you with Care of Children Act/Custody, Family Violence, Oranga Tamariki, Divorce, Protection of Personal Property, Family Court Process and Information, Out of Court Process and Options and more... ** Please note, we do not offer legal advice.

When: Every Wednesday, 8.30am - 3.00pm
Appointments: ph. 021 144 2803 to Book Katikati or Bethlehem
Book online
FootFocus Podiatry covers all aspects of podiatry. With clinics in Bethlehem and Katikati in the Bay of Plenty, they welcome all foot problems, be it sports related, minor surgery or a general tidy up. If you are experiencing any pain in your feet or knees, or you just want your nails cut they are able to help.

Information: 07 549 4147 (David Marshall)
We are an advocacy organisation promoting the welfare and well-being of all those citizens in the 50 plus age group. We monitor what the government is doing and how that will affect our members – meeting with influential people including politicians, to make our views known.

When: 9am - 1pm. Every 2nd Thursday of the month
2025 Dates
13 Feb, 13 Mar, 10 Apr, 8 May, 12 Jun, 10 Jul, 14 Aug, 11 Sep, 9 Oct, 13 Nov, 11 Dec
Appointments: 07 549 0399
For Information:
0800 227 773 (Families)
0800 377 776 (GST)
0800 775 247 (Income tax)
Community Compliance Officers offer tax education and advice regarding personal tax and entitlements.

When: Every Friday, 10.00am - 12.00pm.
No appointment needed.
A JP can witness your signature on a document, can certify copies of documents for you including cellphone texts and computer displayed results, can administer an affidavit for you, and complete a declaration for you.
(Note: We have a photocopy service available at Katikati Community Centre - 20c per copy)

When: Alternate Mondays, 9.00am - 12.30pm
Appointments: 07 579 2023
Allan McCarthy has been a chiropractor for almost 40 years. Chiropractic focuses on helping the body’s innate ability to heal, allowing our body to express it’s full health and life potential. It is based on the principle that the body is an intelligent self-healing, organised being. Your body wants to be healthy and vital and is striving to do this every minute of the day.
Meditrain BOP - Workplace First Aid
For dates, times or to register 07 544 3544 or
Learn to be capable of providing immediate first aid assistance in any situation. All certificates are valid for 2 years.

Riverlight - Suicide Loss Support and Groups
When: Saturdays, 9am to midday
3 Aug, 7 Sept, 5 Oct
Information: Email Karin at
Providing hope and inspiration to those coping with the suicide of a loved one, bringing people together in a warm, caring environment.
Meetings are held at the Katikati Community Centre once a month, on Saturdays from 9am – 12pm (midday).

When: 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursday of each Month, 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Information: 027 296 7939 (Christine)
Toastmasters is a worldwide programme where you can improve your leadership and communication skills in a safe and supportive club environment.