We are a for purpose organisation offering information, services and support to meet the needs of the small but rapidly growing diverse population of the Katikati community, in the areas of education, social services , health, and well-being. We are committed to providing accessible, accountable, high quality services, programmes and information to support and an active central hub linking our urban and rural community, with social and health services and a range of programmes and activities. In May 2023, we celebrated the Centre being in operation for over 30 years.
The Katikati Community Centre has a strong focus on families and this aligns with many of the services we provide, including Pregnancy and Parenting Classes, School Holiday & After-school Care Programmes, and Adult Community Education, senior programmes, and engagement with youth services
Community Advocate
Our Community Advocate is only available
by appointment at Katikati Community Centre on weekdays 9am to 3pm.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
The Katikati Community Centre Charitable Trust is committed to being a respectful, safe, and inclusive environment for all members of the wider Katikati Community irrespective of age, race, culture, gender or background. We embrace all members of the LBGTIQA+ community. As an organisation we recognise the importance of diversity and understand that diversity can only serve to enrich our community.
Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Public Holidays: Closed
(07) 549 0399
Katikati Community Centre
45 Beach Road, Katikati
Thank you to all of our funders and supporters for helping us better support our local community.